Label The Section Of A Hepatic Lobule.

Label the section of a hepatic lobule. – Label the sections of a hepatic lobule is a fundamental aspect of understanding liver anatomy and function. Hepatic lobules are the structural and functional units of the liver, and their precise labeling is essential for comprehending the intricate processes that occur within this vital organ.

This guide provides a detailed overview of the different sections of a hepatic lobule, their characteristics, and their roles in liver function. It includes an HTML table for easy reference and a comprehensive discussion of the portal triad, central vein, sinusoids, hepatocytes, bile canaliculi, and Kupffer cells.

Hepatic Lobules: Label The Section Of A Hepatic Lobule.

Label the section of a hepatic lobule.

Hepatic lobules are the structural and functional units of the liver. They are polygonal in shape and arranged in a honeycomb-like pattern. Each lobule is surrounded by a thin layer of connective tissue called the Glisson’s capsule.

Hepatic lobules are responsible for the liver’s metabolic functions, including detoxification, synthesis, and storage. They contain hepatocytes, which are the primary cells responsible for liver function, as well as other cells such as Kupffer cells and endothelial cells.

Labeling Lobular Sections, Label the section of a hepatic lobule.

Section Description Function
Hepatocytes Polygonal cells arranged in cords Metabolism, detoxification, synthesis
Sinusoids Thin-walled blood vessels lined by endothelial cells Exchange of nutrients and waste products
Portal Triad Area where a portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct meet Supply of blood and oxygen, removal of bile
Central Vein Central vein that collects blood from sinusoids Drainage of blood and waste products

Query Resolution

What is a hepatic lobule?

A hepatic lobule is a small, hexagonal unit of liver tissue that is the structural and functional unit of the liver.

What are the main sections of a hepatic lobule?

The main sections of a hepatic lobule are the portal triad, central vein, sinusoids, hepatocytes, bile canaliculi, and Kupffer cells.

What is the function of the portal triad?

The portal triad is responsible for delivering blood to the hepatic lobule.